Friday, January 30, 2009


I finally made it to 24 weeks!! I know this doesn't seem very far along, but for a labor and delivery nurse, this is very exciting. After 24weeks the baby is viable and could survive if born. Not that I want her to come any time soon, but it is just reassuring. When I tell people at work I am 24weeks, they all get really excited and say congratulations.
She is more than a foot long now from head to foot, and she is over a pound. I have finally cleaned out the room that we are going to use as the nursery and have set it up some of the things we already have for her. It is a lot of fun to walk by it every morning and see all the precious little girl things. I am loving getting little girl dresses and have been displaying them in the room b/c they are just too cute to put in the closet. I can't wait to put them on her!!


Nadia said...

You are just so beautiful! It literally feels like my birthday when you have a new post :) Bless you and that precious little love muffin! Can't wait to meet her! Love to you all

Megan said...

Looking bigger and beautiful!!