My sweet boy turned 3 months old last week! I can't believe it. He is a precious, smiley, expressive baby, who is adored by his older sister. He started laughing last week, sucking his thumb (although he has no idea what to do with the rest of his fingers and they often end up driving him crazy) and even rolling over. And it is a good thing that he has such a darling face b/c this boy is a pistol when it comes to sleep. He was sleeping well at night and not taking great naps, but then he started waking at night and taking VERY short naps and driving me crazy! But every morning I look at his sweet face and can't help but smile and fall in love again. Precious boy....SLEEP!!!
I did a little 3 month photo shoot with him so you can enjoy all the pics at our shutterfly share site:
But here are some that I love:

She adores him...so sweet :)

This one is my favorite :)

My two precious babes

Look at those beautiful blue eyes...LOVE

oh my goodness those pictures are ridiculously cute!!!!
What a cutie! Sorry about the lack of sleep!! Love the pictures!
Emily. Honestly. What adorable babies! The pictures of Addie and Braden are too precious!
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