Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week 5 and Catching B bugs

Braden turned 5 weeks old this week and he went to his 1 month apt yesterday. He is now 9lb 1oz and 21.5in long, which means he has jumped percentiles in both weight and height, and we can tell! His tiny face is starting to fill out, and he is getting precious, full cheeks :) I love it!

And, are you curious what Adelyn is doing in this picture. I bet you can't guess it...cathing stink bugs! Yes, that is right, she is pretending to catching stink bugs in a cup with a spoon b/c that is a daily ritual in our house. Steven and I get our cup of water and soap and catch the hundreds of stink bugs crawling around our house. Now, Adelyn asks for her cup (with pretend water and soap, of course), and walks around and pretends to catch skink bugs...which she calls "B" bugs. And, I know, everyone has stink bugs, but we have hundreds of them, and I would pay a million bucks for someone to find a way to get rid of them. In the mean time, my sweet Addie has learned a new game of "B bug" catching!

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Em- he is just adorable!! As for the bugs, call your county extension office (yes that's what its called) and they can help!